Saying good-bye to grandma! 07/08. How many of us have had these moments with our wonderful Grandma Willey!
Shaina with her birthday pancake. Our tradition we started a couple of years ago, you get a plate sized Mickey Mouse pancake for breakfast on your birthday morning. Shaina is 13 but she still wanted her Mickey pancake. Isaiah after scout camp. Just a day camp that he got to go to this summer and work on merit badges or belt loops or what ever they are called at this age. Noah didn't quite know how to take the face paint. But he does love his big brother!
Things are crazy busy, and just have not felt up to writing. I feel like I am too invovled with everyone else's lives when I get on the computer to worry about updating everyone on mine. Well I will resolve to do better. Jon was unemployed for about 3 weeks, enough time for me to realize why it is important for him to have a job!!! Shaina is so busy with violin, school, and doing the school musical right now. She has a hard enough time just being a teenager much less adding everything else on. Oh and did I forget to mention she is taking a full load of honors courses including Geometry as a 8th grader!! We will see how she holds up under all this, I am thinking she is going to be really ready for Christmas vaction! Isaiah has started cub scouts and is loving school. He is already a social butterfly, and loves being at his friends' houses. Abbey goes to preschool 3 days a week which she loves. She lives for time on the computer and watching her cartoons. She also likes being crafty (in more ways that one I might add) and useing her imagination anyway she can. Then there is Noah..... He is a very cool kid! I might be a little partial but really I just think he is pretty awesome. He is a little worker if I can keep him busy and engaged in something if not he is into trouble!